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It is a conundrum to consider the self as a high vibrational being while also judging and ill-treating humans or animals. The human body will respond to such imbalance with dis-eases such as illness, inflammation, aches, pains, breaks, hair loss, tissue break-down, fungal growth or some other discomfort as a way to reflect the imbalance of body-mind-spirit.

Your vibration correlates to every part of your existence. One way that You can measure your vibration is by looking at the foods or chemicals you are eating, intercepting and/or craving.

Foods that have the highest nutritional value are (yep, you guessed it) at a high vibration. If you are craving foods with low or no nutritional value, then you can conclude that you are not at a high vibration.

When at a high vibration, you will naturally crave high vibrational foods and this is a good way to measure your vibration; Pay attention to what you are craving.

Alcohol (for example) is a very, very low vibration.

At times, some humans like to compete and feel better than others so they brag and boast about the high vibrational foods they eat; Such people will do well to go ahead and partake in a lower vibrational food or drink as a measure to pull their head out of the clouds, ground the self and restore body-mind-spirit balance.