Earth has a rotation in the cosmos (in the sky). The location shifts roughly every 2100 (plus or minus) years. When the Earth shifts its location, it aligns with a different group of planets, and/or stars. The Earth’s position during the 2100 year span is called an AGE.

The cycle of the Age can be regarded as the Circle of Life or the Loop of Life depending on how progressive, or stagnated the Beings evolve or progress beyond memetic ways of civilization, and evolution.

The Circle or Loop is the time span of each 2100 year position of an Age. Developmental events through the ages are charted under Each age by section here on the Being True Love website. For example: if you look under the Age of Aries, numerous events are charted in descending order. In the most recent cycle of Aries, Ancient Egypt had significant and relevant civilization events; However, if you navigate within Aries further, the author attempts to provide you with the little-known information of earlier generations of Aries.

Naturally, the earliest age of Aries information is very difficult to find so the information on Age by section has more information relevant to the current cycle than it does the earliest cycles given that at this time, the earliest information is likely only obtained metempirically and challenged by the scientific methods of proving facts.

Each AGE is aligned to a star arrangement. The star arrangements have been given names so that humans can reference them and/or identify them when looking up into the cosmos (the sky).

If you are looking into the cosmos, the stars look like bright little dots in the sky. If you connect the dots they form a shape and these shapes have been given names so that humans can easily identify them. The shapes and positions are as follows:

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. These names were given eons ago so the language seems foreign in some. Think of Aquarius (the age we are quickly approaching) and break down the root of the word, Aqua literally means or references water, and rius is mostly understood to mean stream; Relative to rio, which means river.

Or, think of Aries and break down the root of the word; The word “a” standing alone means, not without; In considering English formation the word “a” was synonymous with (ge) whereby “ge” can mean of Earth or aware.

In considering the meaning of Ari, the word itself is associated with masculine while the word Aries is associated with the feminine definitive of the word Ari. Additionally, the word Ari also is a representation of the word ARE; As in you ARE (I AM). The word “ar” means to fit together and also means “of”; The word “es” means to be. Aries, to be, of, es, are, am is regarding then as IS or the beginning.

The star arrangement combined with surrounding stardust or even other arrangements made (or make) for a visual description that early humans believed to resemble animal shapes. If you look at this photo of the Aries constellation (star arrangement) from photos taken by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), you can see how early humans regarded the arrangement as a Ram. The Aries constellations are represented by three primary star positions but you can see in the photo, how the combination of nearby stars and the stardust helped to form the vision of a Ram which in turn ignited the anthropomorphic representation of the Aries constellation…see the photo below.

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(NASA, 2010). Stardust in Aries


NASA (2010). Stardust in Aries. Retrieved from