The Taurus astrological sign represents persons born April 19-May 20 .

Anthropomorphic symbol: The bull

The phrase that represents the essence of Taurus: ever-enduring

Rulers of the second house

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and is regarded as THE MANIFESTOR. Aries’s personality traits are synonymous with their anthropomorphic symbol, the bull. Taurus is patient, stubborn, and relentless in manifesting the material world. Taurus is fine with second place as they have the tenacity to stick around indefinitely to become first.

Taurus is one of four fixed signs. Fixed signs tolerate, stick around, outlast, persist, hold on, hang tight, remain, root, endure, and stabilize things in, around, or about the Earth and material world.

Taurus is governed by both the Earth and the planet Venus.

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