Below, you will find a list of gems, stones and crystals along with a brief description of their purpose.

If you want a deeper, thorough understanding of stones and crystals, consider the Stones and Crystals Webinar.


Actinolite: Connection with the dream world. Connection with Source Energy. Connection. Focus. Direction. Navigation. Shield from internal and external negativity. Electromagnetic sensitivity. Made from the elements Calicium, Magnesium, Iron, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Silicon existing as Ca2(Mg4.5-2Fe0.5-2.5)Si8022(OH)2

Afghanite: Psychic sensitivity. Intuition. Knowing. Leadership. Emotional self-control. Made from the elements Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Silicon, Aluminum, Oxygen, Sulfate and Chloride existing as (Na, K) 22Ca 10[Si24 Al24 096]6 Cl6

Agate: Stability. Stress relief. Digestive stimulation. Increase lactation.

Ajoite: Self-healing. Divine feminine. Grace. Compassion. Open to understanding. Renewal. Karma clearance. Made of the elements Sodium, Potassium, Copper, Aluminum Silicate, Oxygen and Hydrogen. Existing as (NaK) Cu7AISi9024(OH)6(3H20).

Alabaster: Cease worry. Resolution. Problem-solving.

For more information on the elements that make up these Stones and Crystals, treat yourself to the Stones and Crystals Webinar.

Alexandrite: Prosperity. Success. Luck. Glory. Guard. Power. Increased awareness of opportunity.

Amazonite: Aura cleansing. Peace. Serenity. Calm. Ability to adapt. Emotional maturity.

Amber: Encouragement. Optimism. Positive feeling. Energy shifter. Courage. Removal of fear. Increases the ability to manifest.

Amethyst: Balance of masculine and feminine. Negative energy repellant. Awareness. Shield. Vision. Healing. Clarity. Wisdom. Toxin removal. Sobriety. Calm. Selflessness.

Ametrine: Acceptance. Understanding. Healthy perception. Depression relief. Peacefulness. Compatibility. Seeing the good. Removes desire to judge. Sharing. Humbleness

Anandalite: Spiritual stimulation. Psychic energy stimulation. Kundalini awakener. Chakra alignment.

Apatite: Courage. Progress. Achievement. Inner strength. Spiritual strength. Expression. Extroversion. Critical thinking.

Aquamarine: Attracts support from the deep (water). Gift of speech. Exhilaration. Quiet the mind. Tolerance. Supporter of others. Removal of judgment. Reconnection to life. Better communication with Source Energy. Courage.

Auralite: Regulation of anger. Relief of tension and headaches. Promotes relaxation. Relief for empaths. Decalcification of the pineal gland. Calming.


Baryte (Barite): Optimize memory. Eliminates feelings of envy and jealousy. Increases love energy. Raise vibration. Addiction relief. Healing optimizer. Increases wisdom of healing properties. Increases understanding of energy. Energy balance

Bastnasite: Connect with mother-Earth. Connect with the elements. Deepen connection with plants that heal and deepen connection to herbs. Grounding of spirit. Increases humbleness. Increase the manifestation of dreams.

Benitoite: Astral projection. Spiritual healing. Increased communication with the spirit realm. Chakra support and alignment. Increased psychic ability.

Beryl: The grand optimizer. Crystal ball. Sedative. Immunity. Emotional stability. Home and house. Lung and heart optimization. Movement of bowels. Throat. Brain recovery and stability. Attracts peace and harmony to the home. Rekindle intimacy and attraction. Vitality. Crown and Solar Plexus Chakra.

Bixbite (Red Beryl): Increase energy. Raise vibration. Creativity. Strengthen aura. Confidence. Self-esteem. Stress relief. Recovery from illness. Heart chakra. Compassion. Root chakra.

Bloodstone: Increase flow of energy and circulation. Positivity. Self-esteem. Courage. Relief from anxiety. Balance. Stability. Vision and eye-sight. Financial gain. Order. Healing.


Calcite: Cleansing. Increases agglutination (clotting). Seal and heal lacerations. Playfulness. Eliminate warts. Optimize energy fields. Reduce shame. Emotional reconstruction. Confidence. Immunity optimization. Renew. Aura stability.

Campbellite: Evolution. Progress. Growth. Change. Passages and paths. Allows. Increases autoimmune health. Opens for receiving. Opens cells for receiving or passing through.

Candle Quartz: Peaceful energy exchange. Helps with teaching. Understanding amongst a group. Encourages and supports healers. Spiritual healing. Promotes respect. Inducts patience.

Carnelian: Increase self-expression. Motivation. Creativity. Confidence. Sexuality. Romance. Passion. Heart chakra. Concentration. Sexual desire. Blood purification. Fertility. Odem(Hebrew). Renewal. Boldness.

Cavansite: Overall healing. Emotional healing. Encourages communication and understanding. Raise vibration. Sense of knowing. Stress removal. Identify truth. Self-awareness. Self-control. Self-regulation. Thinking ahead. Analysis. Summons guides and leaders to assist and guide. Channeling. Energy exchange path opening. Sense of excitement. Prophecy. Maximizes potential.

Celestite (Celestine): Teaching. Divinity. Meditation. Crown and throat chakras. Calm the mind. Clarity. Critical thinking. Dimension connection and communication. Heavenly realm connection and communication. Increase recollection. Negative energy clearing. Flowing of information. Increase understanding. Mood enhancement.

Celestobarite: Reality. Realness. Perception. Clarity. Time travel. Answers and reveals. Brings information to light.

Chalcedony: Mind body balance. Id, ego and superego balance. Increases maternal instinct. Throat relief. Breaks down plaque. Decalcifies.

Chrysocolla: Consistent strength. Self-acceptance. Purification. Hope. Chakra activation. Extract negative energy and negativity. Harmony. Wisdom. Refresh emotions. Divine masculine and the divine feminine.

Chiastolite: Devotion. Blood flow. Tissue repair. Nerves. Muscle strength. Removes negative thoughts and thinking. Development of new, release of old. Astrology. The cross. Passing smoothly. Exchange smoothly. Increase lactation. The four directions. The four elements.

Citrine: Security. Illumination. Abundance. Energy alignment. Metabolism. Increased positivity. Increased psychic sensitivity. Digestion. Thyroid. Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus. Contentment.

Cuprite: Open Kundalini. Willpower. Balance heart and base chakra. Release anxiety. Awakening. Divine feminine. Kidney health. Blood and heart. Stamina. Metabolism. Restore emotional control. Restore control over life. Sense of support.

For more information on the elements that make up these Stones and Crystals, treat yourself to the Stones and Crystals Webinar.