
When it comes to love, Cancer sign individuals are the introduction to seduction, passion, intimacy, and loyalty. Persons born June 21 to July 22nd are the most loyal and centered individuals who walk the Earth.

Cancer’s stay close to the nest. Cancer’s NEVER leave their root, but if they do, it is with absolute security and as the best case scenario.

The earlier you win Cancer’s heart the better; Cancer’s trust in longer connections and are more likely to sustain a deep intimacy with one partner indefinitely despite any other partners and intimate connections they have along the way.

Although Cancer’s are obvious and not as clever as they believe they are, Cancer’s are patient, decisive but also prude, territorial and unforgiving. If you can imagine the way in which a snake slithers silently in the grass and waits while watching its prey for hours…studying, learning, portraying, embodying, and listening to…just before it strikes!!!! Then you understand the movement of the Cancer.

Governed by the Moon, cancer is seductive, dark while also a grand light; Cunning while also frisky and vulnerable to the deep blues of the night.

Cancers require constant reassurance and this can come in the form of dependency, neediness, borrowing, using and slothing upon all that you are if you allow them this luxury.

However, Cancer’s are protectors, loyalists, and deep empaths. Cancer’s are amongst the best lovers in bed. Cancer’s are sensitive, domineering and highly sexual. Cancer’s offer some of the deepest tantric emotional connections sexually. To make love to or with a Cancer, is to experience the heights of pleasure and intimacy.

Cancer’s can love to kiss, or barely stand to be touched. They are polarized but NOT bi-polar.

Cancer’s are disgusted with mediocracy but value traditional memories of home.

Cancer’s can have an addictive personality to the point of disorder but whenever this is the case, Cancer’s are amongst the most top functioning addicts.

Cancer’s love family and value loyalty to early roots and early lovers. You can find a Cancer DJ’ing at your neighborhood barbeque, or standing in front of your towns most popular pub.

Cancer are the fuel to every social settings. Cancer’s are anti-NOTHING but embrace all types of experiences, cultures and things.

Cancer’s will never leave you, they are willing to study you and navigate whatever relationship you have with them at your pace. Cancer’s decide early on what role you will play in their lives and spend the remainder of your friendship watching you figure it out on your own.

Cancer’s will answer their phone at 3AM and agree to come meet you at a local 7-11 just to talk and chill. However, Cancer’s will also prey upon your vulnerabilities as an opportunist and disregard your emotional boundaries for their own benefit.

Cancer’s are the intuitive, high vibrational beings that navigate Earth with little fear. Cancer’s can be very tenacious. They do not like to be second best and they will lash out hard if you exhibit loyalty to someone other than them in the smallest situations.

Cancer’s will not betray you. They may take advantage of you but they will never fail at showing others that you are important to them and of high value in their opininon.

Cancer’s are of the divine FEMININE and evil domineering male cancers are well grounded in their divine feminine energy.

Cancer’s are the center of attention naturally. Cancer’s attract others because of their deep level of empathy, when in a room with a Cancer, you would be moved to stand, sit or even cuddle next to them.

Cancer’s can be very envious and often befriend those whom they admire most.

Cancer’s are passionate and will do just about anything for those they care about. To have favor with a Cancer is to be the apple of their eye.

Cancer’s are tolerant of those they love. If a Cancer loves you, they are bias toward your beauty and other physical flaws. If a Cancer can trust you they will love you.

Cancer’s are all about home and family. They keep a balance of their own wants and needs with the needs of their family and friends. Cancer’s often have dual lives where they do what they want in the mid hours of the night, but they always return home to be what and who their families crave of them.

Cancer’s are CAPABLE of anything. They are warm at heart but can have little to no empathy for those whom they do not value.

Cancer zodiac is governed by MOTHER and all that entails mothering. Whether male or female, the motherly instinct of a Cancer is obvious in the way that they are thoughtful and nurturing toward the ones they love.

Cancer’s can be obsessive and be completely indulged with you but they need time to reflect and assess often. Cancer’s must retreat to analyze their admiration for you. Cancer’s can lock themselves away and go invisible to the world for hours or even days at a time just to sit, reflect and feel at home.

Most Cancer’s are a bit disorganized but very clean with their body and attire at their best. Cancer’s only value what is valuable to them so cleaning is not always a high priority because this can take away from their much needed reflection time or their need to be completely in tune and obsessed with you.

In the workplace, Cancer’s attempt to turn the office into home since everything about them is home related. This can cause Cancer’s to be territorial or a bit too nosey about new employees or changes around the office.

Cancer’s work sufficiently but never too hard. They are notorious for getting others to do their work for them but can also be excellent as business partners when they are not acting from a place of fear.

Please return for more about Cancer. This page is updated often.

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