Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and that Jesus Christ died to save human souls from their bad behavior, their “sins.”

Of the roughly 8 billion people on Earth, approximately 2.2 billion follow Christian beliefs.

There are many branches of Christianity. Some Christians believe that Jesus himself is God while others assert that Jesus is not God, but is the son of God (as mentioned) and worthy of the title, “lord.”

Christians believe that God or his son monitor every thought and behavior that humans do and that when humans are good, he “blesses” them with good rewards and takes favor in them.

Christians believe that God needs to be praised, gloated on, and worshipped. Christians believe that God has an envious or jealous side and does not like it when humans worship other gods or idols.

Christians usually hold services on Sunday, but many churches and branches of Christianity worship on numerous or alternative days.

Christians believe that humans are imperfect, vial beings unworthy and irrelevant only of value because of the ransom of Jesus Christ’s soul in lieu of destroying humanity.

Christians use a large bibliography of books comprised in one book referred to as, The Bible. However, overage, time and influence, some of the books have been omitted from the bibliography, such as the book of Enoch and the Gospel of Mary for purposes that continue to be heavily controversial.

The book of Enoch is heavily astrological in nature and the book of Mary placed a woman as the teller of Jesus’ story.

Christians celebrate December 25th as Jesus’ birthday.

For understanding the perception of Christianity, please see, “Age, Astronomy and the 12 Constellations;” You can find this under the Perceptions section on the home page.

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