The Pineal Gland is a small gland in the mid-brain area of the brain.

The gland works the same way that a projector works in that it projects images. When one remembers things, fantasizes, or visualizes events and/or aspirations, it is the pineal gland “showing” the visual picture to your mind. The pineal gland is often referred to as the “third-eye” due to its ability to generate mental pictures.

Repetitive visualizations often become real life, literally. The mental pictures that the pineal gland produces in the brain are received by the brain and processed as actual happenings.

Another major function of the pineal gland is that it produces melatonin. When the pineal gland releases the melatonin hormone into the brain and body one will begin to feel sleepy and/or sleep. Melatonin also impacts heart rhythm and so can influence overall heart health.

Due to the pineal gland’s ability to induce sleep, one can describe, conclude, and/or infer that the pineal gland is a primary connection to consciousness.

In ancient early human history, hieroglyphics and ancient religions referred to the pineal gland as the “eye of Horus.” The eye of Horus; Horus’ eye was or is also represented as the anthropomorphic representation of the Sun (also known as Ra) in ancient times. There are other representations that depict the “eye of Ra” as a Falcon or an Eagle’s eye.

For inference purposes, one might refer to the pineal gland as one primary place in the body of most vertebrates and humans where God connects and orchestrates and or even as the area of God-consciousness.

It is widely understood and accepted that humans who utilize their thoughts for visualization can create. One can argue whether or not it is God driving the process or the human driving the creative process while the actual creative process itself is real and very effective.

Calcification of the Pineal Gland

The pineal gland has one enemy (if one should refer to it as such) and that is FLUORIDE. Fluoride in the body is attracted to the pineal gland and will store itself in and/or around the gland.

It is rumored that the pineal gland also secretes DMT (dimethyltryptamine); The author of this information is current and actively researching this idea while the author also supports that the production of DMT by the pineal gland is highly likely. This page will be updated when and if this claim is heavily supported with more evidence than doubt.

See the visualization and vision board section for more on using thoughts and visualization to create.