The understanding that sunlight penetrates all beings and feeds knowledge and information to all beings.

Light energy knowledge transference.

Have you ever felt that you just KNOW something? Maybe you desire to assert an understanding of something. Maybe you even feel as if you are lying because you know what you know but you do not know how you know or understand something.

Cosolargy is the understanding that all knowledge is transmitted to all beings through the light of the Sun. Cosolargy is a deep and heavily studied phenomenon that has proved itself a constant source of information over thousands of years.

The HOW, in and of Sun-light information transmission is the study of cosolargy.

Cosolargy is said to be the way to understanding everything about the Universe. It is understood that the Sun possesses the knowledge of all things and by ALLOWING the Sun, one can be what is referred to as ENLIGHTENED.

The Sun is the keeper of all Cosmic and Universal secrets. The Sun has the ability to inform and transmit knowledge to beings.

The Sun is as appropriate and relevant as THE AGE. We are now coming into the AGE of AQUARIUS and moving out of the AGE of PISCES. Each AGE lasts about 2,100 years; We are late in the current age and signs of the new age are all around. Age represents ways of thinking, being, and living. Humans literally shed seeds of thoughts in a couple of thousand years. Things we believe tend to remain at our core conscious understanding for thousands of years…roughly 2,100 years. We move as a unit, person by person into the ages. Aries initiates the new thoughts and the idea spreads overtime…at roughly 2100 years…we transition our memetics into a new way of thinking. This very paragraph is an example of metempirical information.

See Age, Astronomy, and the 12 Constellations under the PERCEPTIONS tab of the main page. You can also attempt to navigate via the following link:

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