A healthy self-esteem is the most powerful and influential mental state that allows humans to create positive thoughts and visualize the self functioning as the best version of the self.

Self-esteem is required to build confidence and confidence helps humans believe they are worthy of love.

When humans believe they are worthy of love, they are more likely to believe that others value who they are. When humans believe they are valued and worthy, they are more comfortable with trusting and establishing bonds. The ability for humans to bond is EXTREMELY crucial to optimal health and wellness overall.

Humans who have a connection or bond with someone else are less likely to chase chemicals to satisfy the chemical deficiency of not having healthy bonds. Please view the video below to see some ways how chemicals affect the human potential overall

(Al-Ghaili, 2019)

When humans are not living a life of healthy bonds, they will lack many of the chemicals naturally produced in the body that bring about feelings of contentment, happiness, love and overall a happy sense of being.

Humans may seek to introduce chemicals into their body illegally or in an unnatural and unhealthy way.