Adding plants or the fruits, oils, leaves, roots that they produce to water is a common practice. However, the list below are some methods that are not as common or well known, and there are some metimpirics associated to uses of some waters, please contact Being True Love if you want more details about the benefits.

Please note: Being True Love takes no interest or participation in the negative or dark metempirics; All uses shared are exclusive to begetting more positivity and love only. Use of, “the waters” herein is WITHOUT any alcohol spirit infusion; Hence, all is created and utilized to increase only that which is good, loving, and positive, as mentioned.

The following list provides the most basic explanation of benefits and uses for each; For more details, contact Being True Love

Apple Water: Place slices of apple in water; Place in a refrigerator for 4 days. Speak positive, loving words AT the water twice daily. On day five, press all of the liquid that swelled in each apple slice. Sprinkle about or spray about to increase perceptions of beauty, induct glamour and invite loving energy.

Peppermint Oil Water: Add drops of peppermint oil to water and sprinkle about to increase good energy. Sprinkle about to repel rodents and insects. Drench a cloth and wipe about to expel, extract or eliminate viruses, microbes, worms, parasites, and bacteria.

Florida Water: Combine a few drops of lemon oil, ylang-ylang oil, lavender oil, and orange oil with alkaline water. Dampen a cloth and wipe on surfaces to promote balance and to welcome… Rub onto/into skin to relieve adverse emotions, and low vibrations. Spray a mist to attract good energies; (The usage of Florida Water is heavily metempircal, please contact Being True Love for details).

Hail Water: Collect hail in a container during a hail storm. Allow the hail to melt. Sprinkle the melted hail water about to repel negative intention. Sprinkle the hail water about to decrease negative self-talk; Increase awareness of harmful thoughts increase ability to remove negative or harmful thoughts and intentions toward self and others from self.

Spring Water: As you already know, best for overall hydration.

Rain Water: Collect rain in a container. Sprinkle about to generate peace, reduce anger, or relax. Place a few drops on a tea-cup-plate, coaster or napkin used under a cup that you drink tea out of to increase the potency. Sprinkle in rooms where you meditate or recite positive affirmations to increase positive results.

Storm Water: Collect rain from a storm in a container at a time when there is also a waxing moon. Wipe, mop, or wash doors, door knobs, window seals, floors where entry with the storm water to repel negative energy, negative affirmations, and attitudes.

Sun Water: Place water in a container. Place container of water in a place where it can receive light directly from the Sun. Allow the water to sit in the Sun; Remove the container of water 5 minutes after Sun down. Drink the water and observe Cosolargy through meditation or otherwise.

Moon Water: Place water in a container. Place container of water in a place where you can see the Moon’s reflection and light in the water. Allow the water to sit until Sunrise; Remove the water and sprinkle about increase positive intentions.

Tobacco Water: For couples and partners who are already bonded, married, or otherwise committed only. Place tobacco leaves in a container of water; Place the tobacco leaf water in a refrigerator for 4-5 days; Sprinkle about to encourage attraction and addiction (bind) to another person or self… (this information is heavily metempirical, and may even be potentially negative contact Being True Love for details and to be encouraged to utilize positively only).

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Pond Water

Lake Water

Salt Water

Rose Water

Orange Water

Lilac Water

Holly Water