The Gemini astrological sign represents persons born May 21- June 20.

Anthropomorphic symbol: Twins/Duality; Spirit animal is the deer.

The word phrase that represents Gemini: The Mind

Rulers of the Third House: The Third House represents communication, siblings, short trips, and our immediate environment. It rules our thought processes, how we communicate, and our relationships with siblings. In terms of communication, the Third House governs how we express ourselves verbally and intellectually. It also relates to how we listen and comprehend information. This house also influences our relationships with siblings. It can indicate the quality of these relationships and whether they are harmonious or challenging. Short trips and local environment are also associated with the Third House. This includes our daily commute, neighborhood, and interactions with those in our immediate surroundings. When planets occupy the Third House in a birth chart, they can provide insights into these areas of life. For example, Mercury in the Third House may indicate a strong emphasis on communication and learning. Understanding the Third House can help us navigate these aspects of our lives more effectively. By exploring this area of our birth chart, we can gain valuable insights into how we communicate, interact with siblings, and engage with our immediate environment.

The Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac and is regarded as The Communicator. Gemini’s personality traits are synonymous with their duality. Gemini’s are double-sided, has two faces, and can cater socially to two worlds at once. Gemini uses communication and social skills to conquer and navigate.

Gemini is one of four mutable signs. Mutable signs adapt, blend in, mutate, change, finesse, transition, transform, fade-in, fade-out, philosophize, plan, strategize and evolve to conquer things, people, interests, and desires.

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