It is written that an AGE lasts for 2,150 years. The age is specific to the Earth’s geographical location. The Earth rotates and as it rotates, the Earth travels a certain distance within each 2,150 year span of time.

The duration of 2,150 years of time is relative to the memetics humans carry in their mind. Memetics are types of beliefs and for humans, beliefs overall, govern human thoughts.

Core beliefs will facilitate (encourage growth) or debilitate (restrict growth) the growth of human thoughts. With each age, there is a central memetic that facilitates or debilitates the human understanding of being.

There are 12 ages so it takes approximately 25 thousand to 26 thousand years for the Earth to navigate through all 12 ages.

We are currently in the age of Pisces The age of Pisces began in the year 1.AD and will span to 2150.AD In this moment it is the month of December of the year 2019.AD and so we are in the last days of the Pisces age with just 131 years to go.

The coming age is the age of Aquarius. The ages get their name from the stars that cluster together in shapes known as constellations. If a group of stars clustered together look like a certain shape, that shape is the constellation. For example: the “big dipper” is a constellation that resembles a large ladle or spoon.

Big Dipper and Polaris
Photo by Jerry Lodriguss/NASA

Astrophotos of the twelve zodiac constellations
(Wikiwand, 2019)

There are 12 primary constellations (a 13th constellation is said to have been omitted overall to align with the 12 moons) of stars that the Sun travels through annually (yearly) but the Earth travels through these constellations only every 2,150 years as mentioned earlier on this page. The Sun moves quickly around the Earth rising and setting daily. The Earth spins fast, but only moves significantly every 2,150 years.

Zones of ecliptic
(Fredsvenn, 2015)

Example: picture a clock. The second hand on a clock zips around the clock circumference entirely in just 1 minute while the hour moves only every 60 minutes.

Image result for getty images free clock
(CNNStyle, 2019)

The 12 Constellations are named after what they resemble in shape and/or how their shape represents another symbol; There are also specific attributes to the vibration and energy associated with the constellation based on the position, relative month, solstice, season and equinox. Sometimes, the calculated position of an astronomical shifts in degrees plus or minus; In current day, we can refer to NASA as the astronomical gate keeper therein.These constellations are also referred to in astrology as the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

The Constellations are full of metaphors, objects, and symbols. These objects and symbols were created out of the specific shape the constellation has. If you look up at the nights sky, you should be able to see the constellations. Depending on the month, you can see the constellation specific to that month the clearest. Please note: light pollution may greatly reduce your ability to see the constellations. It is best to view the sky from the least, light polluted place you can find. Please research “light pollution” for details in and of how this affects visibility.

zodiac constellations,capricorn,sagittarius,aquarius,scorpius

(Rieger, 2019)

Metaphorically, the Sun and the 12 Constellations have been have been represented by objects, animals, humans and symbols for centuries. The way that the Sun, Moon and other Constellations behave have been represented by objects, animals, humans and centuries. It is much easier to understand the astronomical arrangement and behaviors of the Sun and Constellations by giving them names and human or animal like characteristics. The actions of the Sun and 12 Constellations are represented as deities and/or Gods in certain religions. The short film and the picture below this paragraph is a representation thereof:

(6)Murdock/Acharya, S D.M.

In the picture and film above, there does exist some controversy regarding Krishna; Some say that Krishna was not said to have been born of a Virgin but instead was known as 1 of 10 Avatars; However erroneous (plus or minus), we continue to see star and constellation representation in object, human and animal form.

12 signs of the zodiac
Wolfgang, Rieger Images
(Rieger, 2019)

Many assert that we are already in the age of Aquarius but this is mostly because the age is so close to the end of the current Pisce age that it is as if we are in the Aquarius age already.

Imagine if you are driving to the city of San Francisco, California and a friend calls you asking you where you are; While you may actually be in San Bruno, California going North on Highway 101, you might say that you are in San Francisco.

Also, there is always room for imperfection so any number can be measured and calculated with room for addition or subtraction of date but the average age is (as mentioned) roughly 2,150 years. Currently, the San Francisco Airport (SFO) is located in San Mateo, California. Get it?

This page updated 03.10.2024


(1)Fredsvenn, (2015). The three zones of the ecliptic. Retrieved from

(2)Rieger, W. (2019). Constellation guide. Retrieved from (3)Wikiwand,2019. Astrophotos of the twelve zodiac constellations (4) CNNStyle, (2019). 12 of the worlds most beautiful clocks. Retrived from (5)Lodriguss,J. (2006). The Big Dipper in the Spring How to find the north sky from the Big Dipper. Retrieved from Berman, B. (2019). (6)Joseph, P. (2007). Zeitgeist Part I. Retrieved from