Work out with me daily starting today.. It was hard HARD but I pushed through…I was so done maybe 20 minutes in but I pushed through and the workout dragged me along…In the video, I do a 15 minute Yoga, 5-minutes of light weight lifting and then 5-minutes of Cardio Blast.

Daily Exercise BELOW

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Know what your strengths and limitations are before you get started. Know what you can and cannot do. Be safe and mindful throughout the process by choosing to really listen to your body in every way.

Daily Exercise

Yoga is a good way to measure how your Human Being is doing overall. In yoga, you can measure your overall state of being by how well you are able to control your breathing. You can also tell how well you are emotionally, spiritually and physically by how balanced you are.

A lack of balance physically is LITERALLY a lack of balance in your overall state of being. By doing Yoga daily, you can keep yourself in control…mind, body and spirit. It is important for humans to keep a good balance with the overall self for optimal health and wellness.

Do it for you. Doing it everyday will bring results believe it or not, so come along the journey of self with me. Some days are better than others but let’s keep it up together. I hope that I can inspire you through my constant journey toward the best, highest version of myself.

If you are struggling that is ok, so am I, we all start somewhere…just get it done with me every day starting today.
Let’s work out together.
It might be a good idea to check in with your doctor first to see what your strengths and limitations are.
Let’s GO!