An occult or cult is very different from what the word culture describes. While occults can be regarded as a culture, cults have distinctive characteristics that distinguish them from merely a culture. The list below attempts to describe common occult characteristics:

  • One person in the group is regarded as better, more righteous, unique, super-human, more disciplined, smarter, stronger, chosen, magical, extremely intelligent, closer to God/Goddess, or even proclaims to be God/Goddess him or herself.

  • Members and followers are told that they require guidance or are presented with a goal to obtain.

  • One member of the group is regarded as having a higher moral compass and makes self-responsible for “helping” the other members to achieve the same morality.

  • The leader of the group will often have requirements, demands, and/or stipulations that the leader of the group does not really follow.

  • Leaders of cults expect others to take their word as law, dogma, and absolute truth. They detest being wrong and will go to almost any length to make their word appear or be taken as the only truth.

Occults/cults usually function and accept ranges of immorality that the larger society regards as abuse, enslavement, and inhumane.

Cult leaders often use their intelligence to deflect, go around, and ignore questions. In dialogue, you may recognize that cult leaders routinely provide definitions of words and phrases; The constant dictionary, encyclopedic type dialogue is a common practice for cult leaders. Cult leaders utilize their intellect to redefine social norms. Cult leaders utilize their intellectual dialogue to normalize abuse, finesse non-followers, and to gain approval from those who might otherwise reject them.

Leaders of cults often exhibit narcissistic behaviors such as an inability to feel empathy or copying of empathy-like behavior and dialogue as they themselves are incapable of actually relating to/ empathizing with others.

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Cult leaders are