The Earth rotates and the position it is in while it rotates shifts significantly about every 200-2150 years. The position it is in the Universe as it rotates is considered an age.

Zones of ecliptic
Fredsvenn, 2015

The position the Earth is in relates to the position of stars in the sky.

Astrophotos of the twelve zodiac constellations
Wikiwand, 2019

The stars’ position is represented with anthropomorphic names or “pet names”; Terms of endearment if you will. You know these names as Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

Since there are 12 Primary positions that the Earth navigates, and since the time spent in each position is roughly 2000-2150 years, it takes roughly 25 thousand years for the Earth to cycle through all positions or all ages.

The Earth is currently in the last days of Pisces’ position or age. The age is expected to be completely over in or about the year 2, 150 and the coming age is the age of Aquarius.


Fredsvenn, (2015). The three zones of the ecliptic. Retrieved from

 Wikiwand (2019). Astrophotos of the twelve zodiac constellations Retrieved from (4) CNNStyle, (2019). 12 of the worlds most beautiful clocks.