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Everything in the Universe vibrates. Humans also have a vibration. The level that a Human vibrates on is known as a frequency. The frequency is a result of the thoughts a human thinks most frequently.

Thoughts are seeds of vibration; The more often a human thinks a certain type of thought, determines how frequent the vibration of that type of thought is generated. Your thought frequency is your vibration.

The video below explains vibration

Positive thoughts result in a high vibrational frequency; Negative thoughts result in a low vibrational frequency.

Chemicals affect the way thoughts generate a vibration. Positive thoughts use certain chemical elements to create a facilitative vibration.

Physiological responses can be facilitative or debilitative. Frequent facilitative physiological responses result in an overall high vibrational frequency. Frequent debilitative physiological responses result in an (overall) low vibrational frequency.

A facilitative vibration generates a positive physiological response in the human body. A physiological response is the process, accumulation and direction of chemicals to certain parts of the human body.