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The Human Brain is like soil and thoughts are the seeds. Whatever seeds (or thoughts) the Human plants in the mind will grow regardless if the seed is good or bad; (Hill, 1937) Weeds or flowers grow out of the soil, it just depends on what is planted so thoughts should be monitored with much care and consideration…literally.

Mental pictures, phrases, memories and words combine to formulate Human thoughts. Thoughts generate (meaning they result in) a physiological response in the Human Body; Types of thoughts generate a similar type of physiological response in the body. See positive or negative thoughts section for details and full explanation. See vibrational frequency.


Human experiences can lead to types of thoughts and all human thoughts lead to events and experiences. Traumatic events can lead to the repetition of unfavorable thoughts; In contrast, pleasurable events can lead to the repetition of favorable thoughts. Hence, humans should be AWARE and attempt to generate many positive thoughts for an optimal state of being.


Hill, N. (1937). Think and Grow Rich. The Ralston Society.